Divine Feminine Magick Initiation
søn. 17. nov.
|Online ceremony
Feminine Magick reclamation is a calling for all women to embody their true essence. 1-Release & Cultivate 2- Relish & Divine Offering

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17. nov. 2024, 18:30 – 20:00 GMT
Online ceremony
Om arrangementet
🌹Feminine Magick Initiation🌹
A ceremony for those who dare to awaken the mystery within their wombs and hearts ❤️🔥
1 - Release & Cultivate💫
2 - Relish & Divine Offering☯️
Women possess a wondrous connection to the inner serpent energy, a force of profound vitality. Yet, throughout the ages, the manipulation and suppression of this serpent energy have dimmed their life force, casting shame upon the expression and embodiment.🐍
This is where I step forth, weaving the sacred feminine arts to assist you in reclaiming your innate power. Together, we shall forge a harmonious relationship with your feminine magick, empowering you to tread the true path of your soul with fervent passion, safety, and love. 🐉