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Innate Wisdom Day Retreat

lør. 02. okt.


West Malling

Connecting to stone circles, personal mandala's and your innate playful hearts wisdom.

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Innate Wisdom Day Retreat
Innate Wisdom Day Retreat

Tid og sted

02. okt. 2021, 10:00 – 17:00 GMT+1

West Malling, The Old Sorting Office Rear of, 37 High St, West Malling ME19 6QH, UK


Om arrangementet

Special offer £77 (sold out)

Second early bird wave £99

Last minute booking £115

Sacred site activation

10am start (or meet at Destinys for 9am to car share)

First, we will start the day 10am at The Coldum Long Burrow in West Malling.

Here we will connect into the stone circle and wisdom held within this sacred space.

An innate sound activation will commence through embodied channelling with the cosmic heart collective.

What is an innate sound activation: For some time now we have been referring to light language, some call this angelic tongue or multidimensional channelling. For me, I have come to a realisation and perspective that this is the innate soul's expression. When we break through the constructs, beliefs and matrix we are open and free to express from the heart and soul.

Although (not to add confusion) This isn’t always heart based, ‘light language’ can come from multiple layers of our existence in the universe. Some of which needs healing. This isn’t something to be fearful of, but to be in awareness of. Using the innate soul expression to move through us in whatever way is needed. It can be incredibly empowering to express in this way. Yet there is great value in understanding the frequencies, this enables us to know when this is meant for us personally to work through or we can share this for the collective or another individual.

Through my own purification process, I am able to identify what my innate soul expression is bringing through. From here I am able to bring through purity of the hearts soul expression in a group session and for others personally. This will be assisting all who attend and is for their highest good to receive these purification activation codes. Allowing you to embark on your own soul's journey to expressing more freely and safely.

Circle time & Lunch

Once we have arrived into the sacred temple space (Destiny’s Chiropractics), we will be taking some time to connect into our hearts, journal, and create before taking a break for lunch.

Some of you may feel you want to write your own codes that awaken. Messages may come in from your higher self/guides or just to take a moment of stillness and presence with your innate self.

Movement and sound

After lunch, we will come back into the circle to practice some movement. This is similar to ecstatic dance. But we will also be focusing on the energy we are producing, how this flows through the body, along with hand movements. Something I have come to find in my innate expression is moving my hands, which helps me move energy around my body from different dimensions and creating geometry. We are made up of geometric patterns. When we become aware of this, we can actually begin to play with them, upgrading our patterning and clearing our old structures.

There will also be an opportunity for people to sound and tone. Giving freedom and space for the throat chakra to open and allow the heart to speak!

Circle discussion

We will take a moment of stillness and discuss what we found from expressing movement in this way. A chance to share or if anyone has any questions.

Mandala practice

Crystalline soul templates/mandala, also known as the cymatics of your angelic soul, activating the purest sound waves, deep within our DNA. Expanding our awareness of our multidimensional aspects and supernatural gifts and abilities. We are creating the new earth through remembering our celestial being. Embodying the purity of our soul. Each soul emanates its own frequency and vibration, which creates a harmonic resonance. In its purest form, the soul sings the song of the new earth into existence. The more we embody and remember our multidimensional cosmic self, the more we hold the resonance of our light body here on earth/Gaia.

What I want to share with you now, is that this is the innate being expressed, free from constructs, and programming. So as the transmission is received through my heart to yours, it is allowing you to express from this space. All that is shared in this manual is a guide to get you going into your own intuitive practice. The most important of all is going with your intuition and expressing/experiencing from a playful natural state of being. This is truly what I believe the New Earth is really about.

Everyone will each have their own souls mandala created and printed to work with on the day. We will be working predominantly with water and manifesting the intentions of the codes within the paintings. We will be learning how to embody the frequencies and making it a daily/life practice.

Crystal meditation activation.

Finally, while everyone is charged up with their mandalas we shall be taken into the etheric crystal realm temples. This is a beautiful serene meditation with innate wisdom being sung into all of the hearts who attend.

Once everyone has come back we shall spend some time closing ceremony


  • Early Bird

    This is the second wave price for a full day of activations, personal code, lunch and more

    99,00 £
    +Tjenestegebyr på 2,48 £
    Salget ble avsluttet
  • Full price

    This will be the last sale in the final weeks running up to the event.

    115,00 £
    +Tjenestegebyr på 2,88 £
    Salget ble avsluttet


0,00 £

Dele dette arrangementet

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