Hi Lovely People, I would like to excitingly update you on all the existing things that have been happening and are happening at Cosmic Heart Space.
Live Streaming
This month we have had some incredible light codes being created each week on the live streams. If you haven't already, I recommend coming along on a Wednesday evening if you'd like to receive a free digital art piece.
Instagram Lives ~
Monday Meditations (held between 7.30/8pm UK)
Wednesday Live code creations (held between 7.30/8pm UK)
plus spontaneous days and times :)
Here are some of the latest heart creations that have formed over the lives and throughout the month.
StarSeed You
I have been in collaboration for quite some time now with StarseedYou, making lots of light languages infused courses. These are experiential! When you take part you will receive, visualization light language transmission, along with light code art work. Alongside, are PDF information on how to use the light codes and expand your consciousness. There are courses for both adults and children.
This Month I have released a Free course ~ Healing Activation. This is a short visualisation activation, with light codes and a PDF to create water Elixirs with the codes.
Sacred Earth Embodiment
You can now receive the Sacred Earth Embodiment course in a three-part section. This is so you have the choice to do the meditations separately or purchase all three in one go.
You can do this via Cosmic Heart Space directly or through StarseedYou's website.
About the course ~
The time is right now to embody the new earth frequencies. Be the divine sovereign being you came here to be. Many of us have been called to incarnate on Earth, to go through this new cycle of divine embodiment. Many are just beginning to go through this process. Ascension is natural, so the more we surrender and allow this transition, we open to a whole wave of cosmic awareness. With these frequencies come abilities and wisdom. You experience a total shift in reality. The way we see life has changed, possibly how we choose to live is no longer resonating, perhaps a career or relationship change. Particularly in western culture, we have lost the deeper connection with Gaia and the subtle energies of many dimensions. This course will help you embody the divine being that you are, transmute what no longer serves you and create more flow in the process. There are coded artworks for activations, light language transmission/meditations and PDF’s/videos with suggestions on how you can connect with nature on a deeper level. The light language transmission and codes are there for you to feel and experience on a cellular level. Throughout your time on the course and after you will experience integration on a soul level. The course is experiential. You will gain guidance to understand from the inner knowing, the heart space is where you will be receiving divine wisdom.
High Vibe Clothing & Accessories
Have you seen the shop? You can now purchase high vibe clothes, accessories and prints with cosmic heart space light code art work.
This is a massive turning point for many of us as we start spreading the divine love to a whole new level when we share codes wherever we go.
This Friday There will be a second drop of designs. I wanted to tell you all first so you can be ready and prepared to see what's available before anyone else :)
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this amazing month, I hope you enjoy what Cosmic Heart Space has to offer. I look forward to hearing from you all very soon. Get in contact if you have questions or would like to book 1:1 sessions (which we now have a new booking system for).
Namaste Kind Hearts,
Georgia x