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An Ancinet Taoist approach to your sexual vitality, inner union & somatic healing

Radiant Womb Journey 

A 4-week immersive experience to take the reins on your healing, awaken your radiance, build a relationship with your womb and clear your womb to make space for your true essence to shine.


Sister I feel you, and I am here for you!

I've been on a spiritual journey, finding my feet whilst having my head in the clouds for many years. So many wonderful practices and a showering of transformations. But one aspect I felt wasn't getting attention and the healing it needed. This was my womb.

Your womb is a precious space for creation; it creates physical life with the ability to harness creative life force to manifest your dreams. 

By building a connection to your sacred womb space and healing shame, unhealthy beliefs, blockages that prevent self-expression, sexual pleasure and feeling in control.

Who thrives in Radiant Womb Journey 


The moment has come!

It’s time to completely resurrect your Divine blueprint, reclaim your sovereign womb space and finally liberate yourself from the patterns of disempowerment, unworthiness, and shame in your womb & body.

Radaint womb journey is a container for you to discover the ancient Taoist practices that have helped women for thousands of years build a healthy relationship with their sexual life force energy, heal the womb and cultivate vitality.

This method is the foundation for resolving the deepest wounds holding you back from things you desire more in life: deep connected intimacy, sexual liberation, healthy relationships, self-expression, joy, bliss and true freedom.

. Imagine with me...

You have relinquished yourself from sexual discomfort, disconnection from your body and any anxieties within or about relationships. Finally, you feel full body pleasure, a grounded practice for your pleasure to Expand & Grow, and you are Free to be Yourself!...


Sound expansive? Then jump on board!


Who are you once you move from disconnect to FULL BODY TRUST AND LOVE


You are the woman who feels confident in her sexuality, feels grounded yet one with the cosmos and knows how to create more pleasure, excitement, and nourishment in her life.

Have you found yourself doing this...

Trust you are in a safe space now my love



Pleasing others, even when it makes your life difficult?



Doubting yourself; do you look outside for the answer and not listen to your body's yes and no?



Numbness or disconnected from your body's pleasure?



Discomfort in your womb space, emotional upheaval during menstruation?


Not feeling space in your body or intimate relationships?

Perhaps something is blocking you from getting closer to yourself and others



There are experiences in one's life that are unforgettable and life-changing, for me Georgia is one of these!! the Pure Love I felt working with Georgia was tangible and I am a veteran in the healing world have given and received for more than 20 years, and the Purity and Heart were the most wonderful and greatest!! She is a Divine vessel on earth, her ability to transmute energy and bring through aspects of Love are unprecedented and I highly recommend anyone who wishes to embody their own Divine Spark and Georgia is the catalyst!! A gentle being with incredible Power, the Power of Love!! I am forever grateful to have called into my field someone as incredible as you!!!




The meditation and practices were absolutely wonderful, connecting me back to my true authentic self.


I still feel the energy. I am still moving


It has been an activation in my body to feel more of my own energy. I feel at peace with myself and lightness for the future. ️



The guidance I have received from you has changed my world.

I knew I had to connect with you, and this work was going to somehow help me.

It's made me trust in my own healing abilities.

The sessions were like nothing I have ever experienced before, my whole body was moving and vibrating. The activations have been ongoing ever since, I can hear my soul pouring out from my heart.

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Remember how powerful you are!

You have the power within you.


You are the person who can heal yourself, see, feel and sense what needs to change in your life and womb.

I will be your guide, holding your hand while you take the brave and ambitious step into the void.


You know how far you want to go and how much you desire to transform & transcend to become the radiant goddess you came here to be.

What does your womb journey look like

Taoist breast massage routines


Increase healthy blood flow.

relieves premenstrual breast tension

promotes lymphatic fluid movement

meridian circulation

nurtures self-love stimulated glads- clitoris, orgasmic response promotes healing


With the use of healing sounds, cosmic energies, the elements and qi movements.

Promotes healing from sexual abuse or abortion.

Heal's feelings and emotions from sexual hurt, loneliness and frustration.


Clears ancestral imprints, trauma and past lovers.


Cleans the womb energetically and emotionally to make space for pregnancy and new relationships.


Creates heart a womb coherence

Taoist Meditation

With the use of specific meditations to draw attention to the inner ventures, healing and womb alchemy


Bring positivity into your life Boost energy levels, Calm the overactive mind.


Cultivate the spiritual qualities of acceptance & compassion Integrate mind, soul and body.

What else is included

It doesn't just stop there, my sweet sister!

Access to pre-recorded videos of Qi Gong flow routines and meditations.

We will stay connected between sessions to ensure you always feel supported and nurtured.

A private group you can join to feel a part of a womb web of other women on the same path Access to a light code mandala and meditation, which activates the goddess codes within your cellular memory.

Homework practices to practice during the week so you feel fully connected to your womb throughout each week with easy tasks that will leave you pleasantly surprised you enjoy 'homework'.
Giving your Sacred Yes! To this mentorship is like saying yes to more energy, more vitality-giving experiences, more of your true essence to shine and get a fast track to your best self.

Why I’m so passionate about mentoring women with their wombs & sexual vitality

We are in a time where the ancient ways are rising within us. The mystery of the Divine Mother is returning as we remember how to nurture ourselves and the planet. For lifetimes, women have been hunted and persecuted for being a womb holder, carrying the magic of the universe inside of them. I have recalled many memories of this and healed them with these very methods I AM about to guide you through. I don't believe they should be mysteries; I feel we can rise together in strength through our womb healing to clear ancestral and now trauma so we can live a life liberated and free to be women in our full spectrum, without shame, abuse, manipulation and fear. But be loved, revered for our gifts, nurtured for our ways and empowered in our sexuality.


Why do I believe in this method?

This method is thousands of years old and has served many women in becoming embodied and in tune with their bodied.

As a holistic therapist who has been in the industry for 10 years, I have used many different modalities for my own healing journey and for clients. I have observed that healing energies or somatic work alone do not complete the persons healing.

In fact, some can leave you feeling more dissociated, traumatised and confused!

So it is with great care that I have gathered modalities that all serve a great purpose on the healing journey and, when joined together, create a union of mind, body and spirit healing.

My methods are all in a mentorship format so that you are nurtured through a process, as one session will only crack the lid on what we really want to get to the bottom of.

All this is awaiting you...

Become centred, grounded and trusting yourself.


Manage and prevent menstrual pains and womb discomfort.


channelling more of your own Qi Become well acquainted with your sexual life force.


Feel whole in your spiritual practice. Confident, happy, nourished and supported.


filled with pleasure and orgasmic potential


All this and more is awaiting you...


Your investment

Remember, this investment is for you.

Because you deserve a radiant womb

A whole month of healing, plus tools and an online container of healing modalities for you to use for a lifetime.


£666 Pay in whole or in instalments 

Who is your womb guide

Georgia is a conduit for Pure Divine transformation, recalibration and liberation. Influencing other Divine beings to live fearlessly in their innate expression of the Divine Spark, I Am presence.   All of her life she has been in deep communion and connection to the stars, recalling past lives from as young as three years old. Her decision to lead a path of spiritual devotion became clear after severe depression and missed direction in life. Reiki was her first pursuit in unlocking more of her own innate wisdom. Many modalities followed, such as crystal healing, meditation, Akashic readings, yoga, EFT, holistic massages and many other modalities she felt drawn to, each one opening up doorways of remembrance.  Most recently, she studied under some of the most prestigious Taoist and Tantric feminine arts teachers to uncover the mysteries of the womb and ancient Lemurian/Avalonian times.  Georgia has many innate gifts, much of what she does is intuitively guided by a strong connection to her multidimensional aspects.  You'll experience light language channelling and multi-dimensional healing when in a space with Georgia, who is always holding you in a Divinely loving container.

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