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Crystalline Yoni-Heart Immersion

Five weeks Online
3rd November 16:00pm GMT


Heart-Womb Keepers

You are a powerful healer, a magnetic vessel of Divine creation, one who has the ability to shift her reality, claim her ancestral gifts and walk her soul's true path.

Are you ready for a nervous system reset, emotional integrity, and to awaken the unstoppable force of nature of your inner being for creative expression and soul-dancing bliss? 


The Calling

 Beloveds. You have stepped into the open heart of the Goddess; she is awakening more of her magic within you right now!


In this immersion, you will be initiated into exploring your inner worlds and discover what needs to be released, transformed, created, birthed and embodied.

It's a safe and sacred space for you to full show up and be seen.


Crystalline Heart-Womb is a Divine channelling through the remembrance of Georgia Ashahra, who has many memories and recollections from other lifetimes. She calls her oversoul team her Cosmic Heart Family, together harmonising Divine codes of creation for recalibration of your Crystalline/ Celestial frequency embodiment.

The Cosmic Heart collective has been supporting and guiding the way to releasing outdated programming and opening to the Divine Goddess's expression. From there, light language was activated during these times of remembrance, among many other ceremonial ritual practices.

In this lifetime, Georgia has a background in Reiki, meditation, mindfulness, holistic bodywork/massage, Akashic records, EFT, crystal healing Taoist & Tantric sexual healing/feminine arts. What has been activated here is from the ancient, yet a very present moment, assistance of her multidimensional self. Together, they are all designed to align to the Divine truth of one's being.

To truly awaken this expression of remembrance is to go within, deep within your cells & DNA. Everyone carries coding within their DNA that prevents us from developing and living our true, authentic selves. Likewise, everyone holds unique coding that either needs switching on through awareness and opening to Divinity.

 This wave of souls here on the Earth creates a magnificent shift into Divine states of consciousness through rewiring these programs and downloading the Divine blueprint.

From this devotion to creating Heaven on Earth, we are moving to a new state of being. Each of us peeling away the layers, clearing the way and sending out the signal to be in our Divine alignment, which is the shift we've all been waiting for.


The missing element!

The Goddess

It takes both masculine and feminine principles for us to be in union and harmony within. Yet, through many teachings, the Goddess has been taken out, thus causing imbalance.

She is the one that is the trees, the soil, the oceans and all of the creatures.

In honouring our bodies, the vessel that holds the aliveness of our life force/ sexual energy/ creative energy, we bring her alive in us; she is able to move us.


Sexual distortion and suppression leave many people using their sexual energy in an unbeneficial way. Either the power/force is given away or shut down.


Within this immersion, we will enjoy many practices that assist in expanding our capacity to hold more of our life force.

This is an innocent pleasure. The pleasure that awakens our essence. In Sanskrit, we call this energy Shakti; she is often coiled up like a serpent in the base of the spine, if neglected, she will stay there. In this case, we are going to adore her with our love and reverence.

The Crystalline Heart-Womb journey holds many potent keys to the whole of humanity's evolution into Divine Love. While many of you will feel the calling to do this from a place of service to the whole, the Lemurian Cosmic Heart family wish to share and remind you that the immersion and process are individually profoundly potent, too.


We will explore transmissions and transformations that break ancestral beliefs, trauma and programming.


You will be birthing new ways of soul expression through the Heart-Womb portal— channelling and being Oracles for yourself, through yourself. 


A reUNION of the heart and womb. Open your heart and pour the Love into your holy chalice. The feeling of the heart-womb fusion is like nothing else and is something that can only be experienced. A blissful sense one gets when two old souls remember their infinite Love, presence and desire for one another. 


Multidimensional awareness of soul gifts and an expanded understanding of your true essence will be revealed and explored. 


Once you break through the glass ceiling, you'll have access to spontaneous Soul expressions such as mudras, movement, and sounds that assist in your healing journey.


Listen with ease and grace. Your highest self, Divine I Am spark, will glide into your ears, whispering all the truth without a shadow of a doubt.


The guidance I have received from you has changed my world.

I knew I had to connect with you, and this work was going to somehow help me.

It's made me trust in my own healing abilities.

The sessions were like nothing I have ever experienced before, my whole body was moving and vibrating. The activations have been ongoing ever since, I can hear my soul pouring out from my heart.

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It's time to feel safe to be you and shine your light!

You are the person who can heal yourself, see, feel and sense what needs to change in your life and womb.

I will be your guide, holding your hand while you take the brave and ambitious step into the void.


You know how far you want to go and how much you desire to transform & transcend to become the Divine Spark you came her

Who Thrives in Crystalline womb temple?

Let your womb & Heart thrive in it's sacred delight!

Devoted to your uprising

You are feeling the call to level up, wanting to become a better version of yourself, the true essence that lies under the conditioning.

This may be your first big move into a more sustainable way of moving through your 'stuff' and all the one-off sessions; self-help isn't moving the needle anymore.

Or maybe you've done a lot of spiritual work, but up until now, you didn't think sensual exploration and spirituality go hand in hand.

Turning a new milestone

You might be going through a big transition in your life, approaching a new decade, a divorce, family dynamics or a business change. Whatever it is, we need that support through our body and spirit to feel grounded and nurtured in the new phases of our life.

Pleasure is your birthright

You know there is more to life than what has been dished out so far, and now you have found the gates to more pleasure.

You just don't know which keys turn the lock, but you know the support from an expert guide will give you the expansion you've been longing for.


How can we rewire the DNA? 

DNA is an ever-changing expression of you depending on the environment (epigenetics gives us scientific proof of this). So the more light the more Cosmic/ multidimensional /shamanic and other high vibrational cosmic practices you bring into our experience the more you allow that to shift you frequency. This in turn sends the signal to the cells, which sends a signal to the DNA to clear our old data, not in an alignment, and activate the Divine frequencies that are! 


The Divine/God-Goddess essence shows you that expressions of joy, creativity, beauty, celebration and loving presence that are the ultimate key to unlocking your innate wisdom/Divine expression/Heaven embodied. 


During this five week immersion, you will explore these aspects of the Goddess expression, holding space within your being and as a group collective vibrating/emanating this love. With the power of the collective, we are able to immerse our cells and DNA and shift through into the octaves of Divine crystal consciousness.


With all the fun, play, and expression, moments of your deepest fear may emerge, allowing ancestral memories to shift through for realisation. Within this space, you are deeply held, deeply seen and all of your being is accepted and loved. 

This is a calling to come and express in all that you are, to be fearless with your unique expression and shakti energy.

For it is lifetime after lifetime that women, magical creatures, children and the unique have been suppressed and these hold the deep core wounds. It is time to express, play and show up in your authentic Divine nature.

The Goddess takes many forms, you will also get to explore her many facets and how they play a role in your own life too. 


Why I’m so passionate about
mentoring women with their wombs
& sexual vitality

We are in a time where the ancient ways are rising within us. The mystery of the Divine Mother is returning as we remember how to nurture ourselves and the planet.


For lifetimes women have been hunted and persecuted for being womb holders, carrying the magic of the universe inside of them.

I have recalled many memories of this and healed them with these very methods I AM about to guide you through.

I don't believe they should be mysteries; I feel we can rise together in strength through our womb healing to clear ancestral and now trauma so we can live a life liberated and free to be women in our full spectrum, without shame, abuse, manipulation and fear.

But be loved, revered for our gifts, nurtured for our ways and empowered in our sexuality.

Georgia Ashahra

Can you relate?

Trust you are in a safe space now to let go and embrace your true nanture...



Feeling obligated to be nice and kind, which results in boundaries being crossed

Doubting yourself and comparing yourself to others.

Numbness or disconnected from your body's pleasure?


Discomfort in your womb space, emotional upheaval during menstruation?


Not feeling safe in your body or intimate relationships?

Perhaps you have past life memories of being hunted or betrayed by a lover.


You may feel something is blocking you from getting closer to yourself and others.

You want to share your gifts and creative expression but hide away or feel a block when receiving your talents online or with the community.


All this is awaiting you...

Become centred, grounded and trusting yourself.


Manage and prevent menstrual pains and womb discomfort.

Channelling more of your own Qi


Become well acquainted with your sexual life force.


Feel whole in your spiritual practice.


Confident, happy, nourished and supported.

Filled with pleasure and orgasmic potential


Channel your sexual energy through your chakras and consciously use it in your life.

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Opening The pathways for the gentle awakening of your creative essence.

Welcoming a whole new way of healing and awakening your Yoni power.

Tap into your multidimensional aspects and receive an expanded awareness of what and who you are.



Sensual movement to express the full spectrum of the feminine.

Empowering your sexual life force to move through your body.

Activating your creative expression through all the senses and ways it wishes to be expressed.


Beyond the veil

Understanding how to exchange energy harmoniously,

moving beyond ancestral patterns.

Developing a union within you, your male and female channels, giving birth to your inner Goddess.



Refining sexual essence within inner alchemy.

Expanding your capacity to hold space for yourself and love and compassion.

Moving further into your authentic self and embodying soul, spirit and heart.

Your cosmic womb mystic brew

Image by Sarah Brown

Crystalline Womb Immersion

The Crystalline Womb-Heart Temple is in revival within each Sacred feminine body.

You are the temple, the portal to the new earth, the frequency of Divine love embodied and lived as angelic heavenly beings here on Gaia, Pachamama



The guidance I have received from you has changed my world.

I knew I had to connect with you, and this work was going to somehow help me.

It's made me trust in my own healing abilities.

The sessions were like nothing I have ever experienced before, my whole body was moving and vibrating. The activations have been ongoing ever since, I can hear my soul pouring out from my heart.



The meditation and practices were absolutely wonderful, connecting me back to my true authentic self.


I still feel the energy. I am still moving


It has been an activation in my body to feel more of my own energy. I feel at peace with myself and lightness for the future. ️



The guidance I have received from you has changed my world.

I knew I had to connect with you, and this work was going to help me somehow.

It's made me trust in my own healing abilities.

The sessions were like nothing I had ever experienced before; my whole body was moving and vibrating. The activations have been ongoing ever since I can hear my soul pouring out from my heart.

What's included. 


2 x 90-minute ceremonies

Opening and closing ceremony 

This whole experience is one living ceremony. But there are two very important keys to creating and holding temple space: opening and closing the space. 
These ceremonies open the space, create sacred bounds with sisterhood and create a crystal grid between our hearts. 


Crystal Portal 


3 X 85 minutie session 

Each session explores a different topic that is designed to ignite the power of the womb, embrace the love that you are and give you the ability to tap into your inner radiance. 




There is no pebble left unturned, and you won't be left hanging in between each session, not knowing or remembering what we did during the sessions.

Pre-recorded meditations, activations and Cosmic mandala with codes channelled with a manual on how to use the healing mandala.

Sisterhood unite



We will be in a community of sisterhood to share, reflect, integrate and communicate anything that is coming up for us in a safe space of community. 

You'll always be welcome to email anything you need personal assistance with or a more private question that arises. 





A Divine Mother channelling light code mandala.

This mandala will serve you throughout and beyond your mentorship as a meditation tool, alter piece and reminder of your sacred feminine power.


As a conduit for the Divine Mother, I tune into the energetic field of each person to recall the light code frequencies and symbols that assist in your light body activation.

You'll receive a manual with all the inspirational ways to use the mandala and video course.

After life



When you have completed your transformational experience, you must know you haven't been dropped into the abyss.

We will have a catch-up call Two/Three weeks after we have gone through your mentorship to see how you are doing and your next move.


All your needs met

  • Two Q&A sessions between the calls

  • Exclusive offer for 1:1 mentorship ​

  • Access to the Divine Pleasure course


Healing alchmey

Inner Jounrey 

Spirit In motion

Somatic proclamation


(codes of crestion)

































Hear the magic that can unfold after experiencing light code atunmens and following an embodiment protocol 



First Ceremony ~ Initiation into the Crystalline Temple 

We will start by collectively tuning into and creating a sacred consciousness grid to remember each soul within the space.


We are journeying into the Sacred realms to activate and hold ceremonies in these dimensional planes.

During the Quantum meditation, sacred sound attunements occur. These vibrational patterns are created to assist in weaving the codes into the cellular memory and begin the activation process.  Establishing a connection and intention with the cosmic womb.

Holding a water ceremony with our collective light code to weave the vibration into our Sacred waters.


During the week until the next, we will have guided tasks to follow, hold the moment of frequency and reminders to play! 


Second Ceremony ~ Divine Channel of love

Clearing the field, Womb space and heart to be a clear channel of you. 

Awakening out of numbness to feel compatible domination of your being.

Connecting with energy centres and meridians, also known as EFT & Qi Gong, combining light language sound to shift and clear with pure vibration.  

Activating energy systems/ Sacred Geometry 


We have a multitude of energy systems that aren't all known. We are made up of sacred geometric patterns. Some systems may just need a little reboot or readjustment. Now that we are moving into higher states of consciousness, we are able to embody more Divine remembrance.


Much like a meridian circuit, we have channels and energy systems that, when activated, connect to different dimensions and allow us to have a vast connection to consciousness, oneness and the Divine. When connected, you can experience the divine light rays and intuitive and cosmic connections to Pure Loving Source/God/Goddess.


Third Ceremony ~ The Conduit of medicine 

Moving our bodies keeps our vital life force flowing, healthy, and strong. Ancient practices like yoga and qi gong were created for this very function. 

During this session, we will be guiding you to express your energy in the body, and feeling without limitations. 

This can be in hand/ light code activation with mudra, swirling, shaking and moving the body as needed to let the energy flow. 

Various traditional methods, combined with the intuitive free flow will be initiated alongside music and mantra. 

This is how we feel all of our being and tap into multidimensional expression.

Fourth Ceremony ~ You Are A Living Symbol 

We will come into a ceremonial space to draw in our own creative expression, channeling our womb/yoni. First, we will start with activating the energy through breath and movement, sounding and then playing with art/channelling codes. 

It's important to get into a flow state to take the pressure off being perfect when putting pen to paper. 

During school, it was drilled in to follow the line and copy exactly what was on a black and whiteboard. 

Throughout these sessions, you will have been loosening the load from these old school beliefs and expressing your cosmic messages coming deep from your yoni and soul.


Fifth Ceremony ~ Soul Song Awakening

 Soul Song Awakening 

Soul song/ multidimensional remembrance 

During the ceremony with the collective comes many harmonic frequencies, commonly known as light language or the language of light. Through the heart's magnetic field, the source resonances are transmitted to heal, awaken and shift through many dimensional layers and energy fields.


Through this communication portal, the language of light can also be demonstrated using hand movements, written light codes and pure being in the presence of the open heart portal. 

You will quickly be reminded of your multidimensional self as you hear the sound resonance of the cosmic heart collective.


Each harmonic frequency penetrates your being, awakens the energetic DNA, and brings back fragmented soul parts. Returning to wholeness liberates you into a state of love and joy. From this place, you can sing the song of your soul.

We will be practising toning and moving sounds through our bodies.

Most often, simply by being in this space where the energy is held, this will open up for you. 


Sixth Ceremony ~ Self-love & Gratitude 

Embodiment is key to successfully anchoring these codes and fully recalibrating your DNA, which only you can truly do yourself.


This ceremony is so potent because you can take action and be conscious of the codes. Many have been made to believe there is something wrong with their bodies, to dislike parts of them or not want to be in them at all (which has been a theme in my life too). 

Self-love practices, nourishing and supporting the body will assist in this shift.

This ceremony practice is body application, reminding the cells guiding this body to treat it with love. Here, we will work with massage and elixirs (focusing on hands and feet, maybe face if guided).

The final aspect of this ceremony will be dedicated to individuals of the collective who wish to express their love.

Finally, closing with sharing and blessings.


Your investment

Because you deserve to be witnessed as the Sacred Woman that you are!

5 transformational ceremonies, aftercare support plus tools and an online container packed with healing modalities for you to use for a lifetime.

Full Exchange


Early bird

(22nd October)


Concession price



Pay in whole or in instalments. 


Start date

3rd November 16:00 pm GMT

(The moment you make your purchase, you get immediate access to the online material and private group.)



@georgiaashahra ©2024

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